Undecided Voters SLAM Kamala in Debate with Trump



She talks about bribing people with money, like they always do. And i am so sick of hearing the word democracy coming out of the democrats mouths!

She wasn’t fact checked or challenged, like Trump was.


  1. Did any conservative think this was going to be fair and balanced. When you have the Asshole broadcasting company ABC moderating it. The Republicans wanted TRUMP to dial it back, he should have laid waste to that bitch.

    • Oh Leslie – a bad image for butte?

      “In geomorphology, a butte (/bjuːt/) is an isolated hill with steep, often vertical sides and a small, relatively flat top; buttes are smaller landforms than mesas, plateaus, and tablelands.”

      It is also the name of a couple of counties and a city.

      I don’t think Trump has a butte. So readjust your thinking and you will feel better, and maybe Ugly can learn to spell?

  2. I didn’t expect a fair debate and I wasn’t disappointed. What happened to the “muted” mics? Why wasn’t Kamala fact-checked at least as often as Trump? She was allowed to blatantly lie about Trump throughout the night. Although no cheat sheet or cards were allowed, Kamala had to have had a wire or was well-rehearsed before the debate. She can’t have any speech, let alone one that’s so long without cheating. She fumbles in less than 30 minutes and that’s being generous. Disappointed in the debate overall but not surprised. She wants a second debate – will it be Trump’s choice this time? I seriously doubt it. Dems can’t win without cheating.

  3. You MAGAs are so desperate. You see desperation written all over Trump’s face, in his body language, in the absurd nonsense that he spews everytime he opens his mouth. What do good lil MAGAs do? You follow his lead & become desperate.

  4. I think they both acted like children. At least Trump answered some of the questions. It wasn’t a debate. It was a joke… let’s see how bad I can make the other one look. And Kamala just kept on repeating herself. What a waste of Time. If they could have just answered the questions it would have been much more informative for all Americans.

    • Brenda, you are entitled to your opinion. What’s on the line for the vote in November is, and not just top of the ticket, women. Are they going back to the dark ages with no control over their own bodies or not.

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