If it’s stupid greedy cry babies it’s always demonrats propaganda perverts completely out of touch with America i hope and pray these demonrats infested states citizens wake up fast and vote them out if office because all they are is screaming high paid door stops
Eggs and gas are all on joey, joey had over 100million egg laying chickens destroyed because of the bird virus. And the gas too is on joey. They say the president can’t control prices on eggs and gas, I call bullshit. Sorry demon-rats joey was such a bad president, he did. But it’s also a good thing that joey tapped into our fuel reserve and give it to Europe for the war in Ukraine as well as over 200 billion dollars of our tax payers money. And all along while since the clinton administration, Fort Knox is being tapped into, disbursing gold assets into channeled funds for God only knows how many crooked pockets of crooked representatives (some still in power, some not) as we the innocent are being SCAMMED to the fullest extent, without knowing that we are or were. And the shit show continues.
If it’s stupid greedy cry babies it’s always demonrats propaganda perverts completely out of touch with America i hope and pray these demonrats infested states citizens wake up fast and vote them out if office because all they are is screaming high paid door stops
Eggs and gas are all on joey, joey had over 100million egg laying chickens destroyed because of the bird virus. And the gas too is on joey. They say the president can’t control prices on eggs and gas, I call bullshit. Sorry demon-rats joey was such a bad president, he did. But it’s also a good thing that joey tapped into our fuel reserve and give it to Europe for the war in Ukraine as well as over 200 billion dollars of our tax payers money. And all along while since the clinton administration, Fort Knox is being tapped into, disbursing gold assets into channeled funds for God only knows how many crooked pockets of crooked representatives (some still in power, some not) as we the innocent are being SCAMMED to the fullest extent, without knowing that we are or were. And the shit show continues.