Peter Doocy DOOCY Completely DESTROYED John Kirby Yesterday!



Kirby has no self respect or shame.

They think they are So Slick! …and we are So Dumb! Brutal Awakening coming in November!


  1. Yeah—Kirby has become a serial liar like the whole administration. Nobody on earth respects our corrupt ,senile, incompetent President.

    It gets worse every day. Nov. 5th can’t come fast enough.

    Both Ukraine and Israel wars would not have happened if TRUMP was President

  2. Biden and his administration make me sick to my stomach. It’s one lie after another and they expect us to believe it. It won’t stop until they are all backed into the corner with no place else to go. These bastards don’t deserve to live in this country, they’re all corrupt and so unamerican.

  3. Kirby is Biden’s ass wiper and kisser , you can tell if you look close enough you will see his lips are a brownish tint. Kirby is another one who is paid very very well to keep the lies going for this evil disgusting fool Biden who has no shame and no integrity whatsoever to be an honest trustworthy leader. Our country needs to be saved from this corrupt regime.

  4. So sad that we easily label others with inappropriate names/titles and yet we cannot stand to be criticized by others. WE have not even tried to be a leader of a small company more to lead a country. PLEASE let us be more respectful on others as our young generation look up to their parents or elders on how we label or judge others. We have lost our Christian/humane values that is why there is so much chaos in our society. OUR MINDS ARE CLUTTERED with bad ideas about others and yet we cannot make ourselves a little decent. IF ANYBODY KNOWS how the HOLY SPIRIT WORKS, LET US INTERCEDE FOR HIS INTERVENTIONS TO BE KINDER TO OTHERS.

  5. FJB handlers need to get better liars for their press briefings. At least P-saki could lie with a straight face into the camera.

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