Kamala Harris Gets ANGRY After NBC Host CALLS OUT HER LIES



America is in BIG trouble if KH is elected to be POTUS.

This lady is such a joke and shame on those who support her as President!!!


  1. Kamala Harris seemingly is trying to be more RACIST than Barack Obama when he was in office. Notice yesterday she ran, yes ran out of DC yesterday just so she didn’t have to face the demonstrators outside of the White House and Congress. She made sure she was hiding in a BLACK sorority. This FAR FARA left woman is dangerous to the nation since she is trying to stir up racial animosity in any way she can.

  2. Youtube BLOCKED/TERMINATED video. How dystopian. How anti-first amendment. How COMMUNIST.
    This is YOUR commie brothers at YOUTUBE at work

  3. Harris wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped her in the face. She hasn’t done anything as VP. I doubt she would be any better and probably a lot worse as president. She’s differently not the brightest bulb.

    • Trump is the liar convicted felon and a convicted rapist he will destroy the country already starting there will be no democracy in this country Karmala will shred trump trump has a vocabulary of a 4 year old
      He should have been able to talk from his heart at the convention opps forgot he doesn’t
      have one

      • Pure Pam,
        Absolutely no ability to think for yourself. So led by the radical left. Blind, dumb, & stupid. No one is perfect but while I am not a blind Trump follower, I definitely am no socialist sheeple!

      • You need mental help like Joey. Trump may not be perfect but what politician is nothing is worse than the Biden Harris ticket. Talk about destroying democracy (do you even know the meaning of the word). Harris went along everything Joey did and lied to the people about how his health was great. They but conservatives who backed Trump in jail (that’s democracy). They falsified the Russia hoax, they falsified the classified papers, they stayed Trump rape that women who has no mind (let me tell you, that could NOT happen in the dressing room. WHY because a woman stands outside the room to count your garments and gives you a number and when you come out she counts how many garments you have. NO man is getting in there only her imagination.

      • Are you brain-dead? I pray you don’t have any children that you are influencing. Millions of normal, common-sense citizens think you have lost your mind or didn’t have one to begin with. It would be of interest to us conservatives to have you and others explain to us where you get your information about Trump. Our mouths actually drop open when hearing your lies and misinformation. Please use your brain to check out the other side (you won’t be disappointed). Watching MSNBC is detrimental to your mental health. I really feel sorry for your kind – God is not pleased also.

      • without looking it up, name 3, just 3 things he was convicted for. AND I’m sure you have NO IDEA what Democracy even means! You are already losing your freedom but they have you so brainwashed you don’t even know it. It’s been obvious from day 1 of this BS administration. Their goal is to keep people like you stupid, scared and oblivious. You’re the kind of person who votes for someone, not because you like him but because you hate the other guy. You can care less about the country, the policies, your freedom, your kids and their future. You should not be allowed to vote. You’re a hater.

    • You lefty’s don’t get it because your just closed minded. It’s not Trump the right wants and we don’t follow him blindly. WAKE UP, IT’S THE POLICIES. What has Joey of Harris done for the American in the last 4yrs. NOTHING, but make us poorer (lefty’s too), bring us closer to WW111 (lefties will die to) more taxes to support wars and illegals in this country (which effects lefties to), more deaths from crime and drugs (effects lefties to). So, tell me what Joey and Harris policies that make you want to vote for Harris.

  4. I don’t know what the fuss is all about. Let’s start from the beginning Our vice president says she’s black. She’s not black. She’s Jamaican and Asian but she’s making the Black people think she’s part of their family Trump. He tells it just the way he feels it and sometimes you don’t like it. Sorry but at least she’s not lying about his race.


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