Somehow I get a feeling you don’t really care for Biden. Actually I feel the same about him. That guy is as crooked as they come and I still wonder how much the drug cartels are paying him to keep the border open.
Sad but valid comments about “Old demented Joe”, Leader of our Free World. Hope that the majority of the voting population agrees with the assessment and sees that he is sent home to Delaware for good after 11/2024. Only wish that him and his corrupt family could be removed from DC more expeditiously, including the entire democratic party!
Some easy fixes! 1) Hoist him out of the aircraft with a winch! 2)Carry him around in a litter – like the Roman emperors of old! 3) Take a Air Force C-5A and paint it blue. Put Biden on the aircraft, along with his automobile, and have him sit in it. When he arrives – have his driver drive the limo. off the airplane. Easy peasy!
The ultimate Stumblebum
The ultimate DUMBASS
the ultimate misfit .
The Jackass from hell. Dumbass Biden, crooked corrupt traitor lying unpatriotic trash. Hope he suffers a horrible demise.
Somehow I get a feeling you don’t really care for Biden. Actually I feel the same about him. That guy is as crooked as they come and I still wonder how much the drug cartels are paying him to keep the border open.
Sad but valid comments about “Old demented Joe”, Leader of our Free World. Hope that the majority of the voting population agrees with the assessment and sees that he is sent home to Delaware for good after 11/2024. Only wish that him and his corrupt family could be removed from DC more expeditiously, including the entire democratic party!
everybody’s comments are right-it is time for JOE-to leave the Whitehouse for GOOD, and NEVER go back
The whole World knows he is weak minded and they are laughing at him and the people who voted for him.
He always seems to stumble when he in carrying a load in his depends..
Some easy fixes! 1) Hoist him out of the aircraft with a winch! 2)Carry him around in a litter – like the Roman emperors of old! 3) Take a Air Force C-5A and paint it blue. Put Biden on the aircraft, along with his automobile, and have him sit in it. When he arrives – have his driver drive the limo. off the airplane. Easy peasy!