JOE-B needs chains and a muzzle, he’s going to slip up and tell the truth about who’s really running this CIRCUS!! I see BIGG FANNI has joined the CLOWNS in DC , The tent is getting crowded with All these LIARS IN the BLUE!!
Remove that clown. He’s a disgraceful piece of work. No wonder why the world has no respect for us. Firsdt his idiot boss goes around the world and kisses the feet of other world leaders and apologized for shit this generation had nothing to do with, then they put this BOZO in place. This asshat did not get 81 million votes. He’s lucky if he got 10,000 legitimate votes. Those 10,000 has their hands in his pocket. I’m hoping he goes to that giant pedophile island in the sky, soon.
Agreed, Biden is obviously too old and senile for the job of president. However, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing. And as for his mumbling, I feel he does it on purpose. That way he can say, “I told the American people what’s happening in my speech but they’re too stupid to understand.” On the other hand, Trump is getting up there in years but there are exceptions to everything. Those who voted for Biden in the first place without checking is past record are fools. Any who would vote for Biden again is a DAMN FOOL!
What a pathetic,sick,senile, jackass,who has lost his
this man needs to be in a nursing home ..period .. and the people that think that think he is just fine ,,, need to be ignored … he is a disgrace
NO one in their RIGHT mind will vote for BIDEN . . . NEVER! And NO, DON’T vote BLUE to “save” (?!?) America.
The TREASONOUS A$$HOLE needs to be in PRISON
Sad, truly sad that there are those who insist on voting Democrat, no matter who, competent or not.
JOE-B needs chains and a muzzle, he’s going to slip up and tell the truth about who’s really running this CIRCUS!! I see BIGG FANNI has joined the CLOWNS in DC , The tent is getting crowded with All these LIARS IN the BLUE!!
Same goes for people voting red. A criminal and mentally unstable.
Evidently you haven’t been paying attention Kat
Remove that clown. He’s a disgraceful piece of work. No wonder why the world has no respect for us. Firsdt his idiot boss goes around the world and kisses the feet of other world leaders and apologized for shit this generation had nothing to do with, then they put this BOZO in place. This asshat did not get 81 million votes. He’s lucky if he got 10,000 legitimate votes. Those 10,000 has their hands in his pocket. I’m hoping he goes to that giant pedophile island in the sky, soon.
He is an absolute mess everyday.
Why doesn’t Joey’s wife DO SOMETHING about her ailing husband?
Agreed, Biden is obviously too old and senile for the job of president. However, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing. And as for his mumbling, I feel he does it on purpose. That way he can say, “I told the American people what’s happening in my speech but they’re too stupid to understand.” On the other hand, Trump is getting up there in years but there are exceptions to everything. Those who voted for Biden in the first place without checking is past record are fools. Any who would vote for Biden again is a DAMN FOOL!