Ben Stiller MELTS DOWN On ZOOM Call Wishing HE WAS BLACK Voting Kamala



Im sick of paying taxes for them to get sent over seas or spent on illegals here. AMERICA FIRST! TRUMP 2024

That’s the far left problem. Wishing you’re something you’re not.


  1. These actors must want communism and Globalism. There is more to consider than abortion. If we cannot afford food or are nuked off the face of the earth abortions won’t matter. Commie Kamala wants all of the U.S. to be California, where she hails from. She’s so far left she’s now in China.

  2. Just another typical lib who is full of it.

    I saw that he lives in a home worth well over $10M. If he really wants to be black, let him live in a neighborhood like Kensington in Philadelphia. He would last about 10 seconds before he would go back to his all-white elite neighborhood in the most elitist of homes.

    Moron liberal.

  3. I can’t imagine anyone being that stupid. But there it is for all to see and hear … the Privileged White Democrat Voter. Some say “If they didn’t exist, we would have to invent them.” I say “if they didn’t exist, we wouldn’t miss a thing.”

  4. Ben Stiller go back to your la, la land (giving 150,000 match which is more than people make a year). You’re voting for Harris because she’s whatever color and your white and stupid. She doesn’t believe in democracy, just look at our gov’t now. And Harris believes in abortion up until birth (I’m sure Stiller you don’t believe in the death penalty but kill an innocent baby is OK). I as a taxpayer should not pay for abortions and birth control, it’s your personal problem. Enjoyed your movies but no more. Your downright stupid like Harris. Stiller you do know she hates Israil, I guess you hate Jews to. Hope crime comes to neck of the woods and see how you like it.

    • Abortion up to the time of birth is worth more on the black market. Late or full term fetuses’ body parts are worth a lot more money. This has nothing to do with women’s rights. The greedy PP and far leftist politicians couldn’t care less about the mother’s safety and well-being. It’s all about the almighty dollar. The loud mouth idiots in Hollywood are merely dumba$$ mouthpieces for the evil PP and politicians, who are soulless and evil to the core. No one said you have to have a brain to work in Hollywood. They only have to follow directions and act like someone they’re not. This is not meant to criticize all who work in Hollywood just those who drank the Kool-Aid and have no coherent thoughts of their own.

  5. Just another actor I will no longer watch his movies! I really wish actors & celebrities would quit giving us their “superior” political opinions, as if they are facts!!! Stick to your day jobs, while you still have them! You have no influence on how I think or vote!

  6. It’s bad for Jews who migrated to America from communist countries because they are bright people but slow learners as to communism and how they were treated but still vote Democrat Marxism. But that’s me, a conservative Biblical Christian who loves Israel and Jews. Just remember that most Jews are atheists and refuse to return to Israel from the diaspora.

  7. Shows how stupid he is, he’s a jew and voting for the jew hating black he wants to be. How you jews are seeing this and remembering this the next time he asks you for help. Guess he hates jews like the black boot licker he wants to be.

  8. I never thought that you were haw – haw funny Ben Stiller. I now think you are He- haw funny. You could run for the next Democrat mascot and win. You can`t dictate or talk about something you know nothing about. Hey, Stiller Kalama did it she is now black and talking the get down Ah – site. Go into one of Obama`s third-stall bathrooms and change your mind. I already give 1/3 of whatever I make to the State and Feds for taxes. It`s in the neighborhood of $50,000.00 a year. I have to pay for food stamps and welfare for illegals. I`m supposed to now pay for abortions of lazy biatches. I think I will quit work and join the rest of the losers. I am fed up with supporting them.

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