A CONFUSED Joe Biden Aimlessly wanders the White House grounds



He is such an embarrassment to the whole country.

Nothing like getting lost in your own back yard.


  1. The Democraps knew dopey Joe was senile when they ran him for el presidente in 2020. Since then, his decline is astonishing. He’s much worse. He has a shuffling, stiff legged gait and he regularly falls down. He talks gibberish, if he isn’t outright lying. Pretty soon, he won’t remember who Jill is. He’s a walking cadaver and should be in a nursing home.

  2. Sad to say that we criticize people a lot. Time to be patient and less condemning people. We have grown to be hypercritical and we cannot be see our own weaknesses. We ae so hateful that we cannot even see how we hate ourselves.

    • fuck you…..you n your ilk have blasted President Trump with false schemes, lies and assorted BULL$HIT for years.
      Sit down and let the actual adults take charge. Anyone who would vote for that senile pos back for a second term should be imprisoned for treason and supporting a foriegn controlled agent for President

  3. You Democrats should be ashamed!!! This guy has no business running
    the country and occupping the W/H!!! You know it!!! All this Trump
    trashing 24/7!!! You better pray your lucky stars that Trump gets back
    in office or the next 4 yrs could be disasterous for us all and you all know
    that!!! Slow Joe couldn’t operate a lemonade stand himself let a lone
    a town, city, county, state, or heaven forbid a country like America as
    we are seeing now for the last 3 plus years….HE IS NOT UP TO THE
    TASK !!!! Not a secret anymore….

  4. Bumbling Bumpstead always has been and always will be, and let’s face it he was never known as the smart one and Kamala was always known to be the most liberal hated in the government. Why did they pick these two because those that know the least are easily manipulated?


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