Well said Byron Donalds!! America first and Trump 2024. Make America Great Again and FJB!!
100% agree! She’s a …
Well said Byron Donalds!! America first and Trump 2024. Make America Great Again and FJB!!
100% agree! She’s a …
Yes and it should apply to all those crazy woman on the View
They are the most ignorant women on TV. I only see clips from their shows and I cant believe people watch them
Joy is a joke. She thinks like her comments are important , but they are trashy Karen comments. She’s not funny, nor smart. ABC uses the people on the view as idiots who will mouth their garbage. Stop watching their show and it will go away.
I agree. That entire show is a joke. It is best to listen to Fox News.
Amen! I don’t waste my time listening
to those vile women. I get just as
disgusted having to watch the
excerpts from their daily shows
on the conservative networks.
Joy is not in touch with the America people. She is a Ahole
Big difference between Republicans and Democrats. Reps tend to be color blind, Dems look at everything as racial or some other phobia.
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!
i feel sorry for Joy. it must be a bitch to have that much hate in her. everytime she speaks, she says things she does not now anything about. she must be a demon-crap
They are without doubt the MOST stupid people on TV! Their ignorant comments and lack of insight is astounding to me. Why would anyone listen to what these women have to say, esp on politics!! How did moronic show evolve into a political platform!! Her ignorance is BLINDING!! Step back, Joy…et al