You Won’t BELIEVE Which City Just BANNED Pride Month!!!



YES! Ban all celebrations, parades or displays of any flags that are not the American flag.
We should celebrate only the 4th of July and wave Old Glory and no other officially and otherwise.

If a city in a blue state can do it, then there’s no reason why cities in red states can’t.


  1. It’s about time , the Only Question one has to ash them self and the country as a whole , is “DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD”, if the answer is YES, case closed , how do we as a people ‘honor’ ANYTHING God calls “An ABOMINATION (which literally translates into ‘Disgusting’) .

  2. The only PRIDE that is to be celebrated is the PRIDE of our country and our American flag. The other crap that these idiots want to celebrate is not acceptable here. Go to another country and see what happens to you when you try to celebrate this crap. The United States is not a junk yard for trash like this, the USA should be honored for the amazing country it is. God Bless our USA!!

  3. We are to be humble but proud of ourselves without cramming our unwanted personal beliefs or life style on anyone who does not share your ideas. If someone asks in earnest for your help or advise you can offer it or not your choice. It is very offensive to celebrate any belief that does not fit everyone’s lives. Should we have a public heterosexual celebration no not really. Some of these celebrations have that feeling of a need for reassurance and acceptance. Cultural and ethnic celebrations are wonderful to share and usually you can attend these of your own free will. Marching down the street and causing a disturbance really doesn’t do much. Everyone shares the same idea of freedom and living in the USA should be reason enough to celebrate the Fourth of July.

  4. If they are so frikken proud of their decadence, why do they have to have parades, flags, rainBLOW dresses,……………………………..


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