“YOU LIE TOO MUCH ” Ben Carson HUMILIATES Whoopi Goldberg & Joy Behar Live on The View



I hate the view.

Ben Carson is saying LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE and these crazy birds are saying but look at these specks of dirt


  1. Very good insights from Dr. Carson and also from the presentor. The women of The View – especially Goldberg and Behar – just repeat the same talking points and spewing the same nonsense and lies over and over again. They have no credibility whatsoever and the people in their audience are just as ignorant as they are.

    • Repeating the same talking points is how brainwashing works. That way the trained seals in their audience will be the most responsive to the lies they spew. Kinda like the way adds on TV repeat the phone number several times to get you to make a purchase.

    • The audience is ignorant and told when to clap. The View is a disgusting show and caters to the ignorant audience. They are pieces of drek.

    • I most agree with this comment. It is very difficult to watch the View and especially when someone as kind and brilliant as Dr. Carson is talked over. Such lack of respect is not worthy of our attention. The view should be taken off.
      I have met Dr Carson. He is as gracious as they come.

  2. Whoopi and Behar are liars. They keep repeating things that Trump NEVER SAID and their stupid audience believe them. I refuse to listen to their hatred and lies. They are worthless people, no matter how much they money they have. Their personalities are awful.

    • Satan is the Father of ALL Lies. The View honors Satan when they lie. Once you pledge your alligance to Him, you cant speak the Truth. It is offensive to Satan to do that!

  3. The View is the most ignorant, arrogant, simpleminded group on TV. Who really cares what they think. They dismiss the hundreds of lies Biden spews and especially how Biden voted against integration as a senator years ago! All the attacks they made against Trump, Biden has said and done worse!

    • G-d forbid they should ever admit what Biden is – a criminal, a pedophile,
      liar, and much more. They are a disgusting group of ignorant women.
      Whoopi with her never finishing High School doesn’t know her tuchess from her mouth.

  4. thank you Ben Carson
    and all the comments are 100% correct and could not agree more

  5. ‘The View’, along with other TV ‘news’ shows (‘Morning Joe’, etc.) are nothing more than Democrat Party propaganda outlets whose mission is to publicize major talking-points for the DNC and attack anyone who has differing opinions. That is their sole purpose — to persuade their audience (useful idiots) to accept the DNC party line. They have daily, pre-show briefings with DNC staff about what to talk about and how to project that story line on-air to their audience. Having guests on their show with opposing views can be dangerous when that guest is smarter than they are.

  6. I don’t understand how they can keep the view on the air! They just cause more hate in people everyday they are on the air. I applaud Ben Carson, what a classy guy! How many lies has Biden told to the American people and expect people to believe anything he says.
    I truly believe that if their hatred for one man (Trump)is greater than their love for this country, they are the problem!

  7. I do not understand why ABC has not taken this show off of the air. These women are nothing but liars and trouble makers. OH WAIT! I forgot ABC is a Democrat network!

  8. Imagine if all of us could have our own show on which all we had to do is spend our time telling lies and pushing an extremely dystopian viewpoint while getting paid big bucks? On top of this, they think that they’re better and smarter than Ben Carson. Hmmm.

  9. I used to think the world of Whoopi when I was a Democrat but I see all the lies they tell. Shame on her and the View. I will never vote Democrat again.

  10. Well, folks, I agree with what every red-blooded American has to say, against the liberal Democrats, and their immoral media supporters. Fortunately, I don’t watch the View, or anything else on ABC, CBS, NBC, etc, because I have given up on all of these left-leaning media, for the liars that they all are. Instead, I watch or use conservative media, such as: PragerU, WOR 710 AM radio (in NYC area), NY Post, unitedrepublicnews we site, redbloodedconservative website, Newsmax emails, Epoch Times, etc. I particularly like Dinesh D’Souza movies (like “Hillary Clinton and the Secret History of the Democratic Party”, from 2016), and the Arthur Herman book, “Freedom’s Forge”. I don’t waste my time with garbage media like Facebook, NY Times, Instagram, CNN, Washington Post, MSNBC, etc. And left-leaning YouTube just censored this great Carson video, too. So, be careful of Google, YouTube and Wikipedia–all known liars.


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