Woke Mom MAKES Kids Have PANIC ATTACK Over Trump Winning



And THIS is why I am no longer a Democrat. The level of insanity is appalling.

She looks like a lunatic. Kids shouldn’t even be aware of politics at that age. This is emotional abuse.


  1. This woman is a silly little girl with no RIGHT to be a “mother “. She is delusional and misinformed and brainwashed. She believes that Trump winning will result in loss of FREEDOMS. The opposite is true. How many conservatives were run out of restaurants and plays? Chased out and excoriated for being Republican! Go on your silly way silly gurl and you will get that civil war you accuse the right of starting.

  2. Communist China has a democracy a 1 party democracy America is a republic I voted against a democracy it’s Communist it allows 1 state to control the country i voted for a republic it gives every state a voice

  3. Yes, the derangement is real. I’ve already lost four (4) long time clients since the election on 11-5-2024. When I didn’t say I voted as they did, they cut me out. Boom. Imagine, after working for them for 50 years. The biggest fault for this censorship and banning is the fact that the mass Media lies and gets away with it. When you have 51 intelligence officers signing a published letter claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop is just Russian disinformation when they know it is real, who owns America? 90% of ordinary Americans just believe whatever propaganda the media broadcasts and publishes. The reason many men came back to Trump in 2024 is because they do and talk just as Donald Trump does and has and think Trump is funny. They don’t want to give up their lifestyles! Locker room humor is here to stay.

  4. These are the same people that claim Trump was a threat. From Russian Disinformation about Trump. Now it’s Hunter’s Laptop was disinformation. The FBI corruption runs deep. There are some books out now that talk about everything the Democrat Party, and Mainstream Media, including The View, are doing. Here the books are. Brutal Minds (The Dark World of Left Wing Brainwashing in Our Universities), Arabella, (The Dark Money Network of Left Wing Billionaires Secretly Transforming America), Terrorists on The Border and in Our Country, Hot Talk, Cold Science, Plan Red, (China’s Project to Destroy America), The Permanent Coup, (How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the American President). Also, IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters. The First News and NewsMax are fact based with evidence. If these are not enough to prove the Democrat Party hates America, what is? Research yourself.

  5. There is a mental health problem with people like this dipshit woman, telling her children about Trump winning the election and telling how sad she is about it. She definitely needs psychiatric help because she’s not playing with a full deck. When Biden entered our White House we put up with the bullshit but wasn’t acting like we were strung out and couldn’t function. We knew we had to put up with the lying and the corruption because it was obvious what the woke liberal left was going to do to our country. It’s over now and we get our country back. Feel so bad for these kids with being raised by jackasses who have no right having children.


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