So they put up a No U Turn sign because to many drivers were making a U turn to go to where Gay Clubs use to be. Now that the gay clubs are no longer there and U turns aren’t causing a traffic problem the city takes Dow the U turn sign that’s no longer needed and this is a step forward for gay people? Ok now how does this make any sense since U turns are no longer a concern or causing a problem let’s take down the sign so maybe just maybe it will start causing a problem and then every one can protest when the city has to put the U turn sign back up? If they do there’s a protest if they don’t there’s a protest? Got you covered for protesting no matter what where how why when or who puts a U turn sign even if it stops traffic problems or heaven forbid someone from getting rear ended.
I am NOT scared of the homos. I am homo-nauseous , they make me sick
So they put up a No U Turn sign because to many drivers were making a U turn to go to where Gay Clubs use to be. Now that the gay clubs are no longer there and U turns aren’t causing a traffic problem the city takes Dow the U turn sign that’s no longer needed and this is a step forward for gay people? Ok now how does this make any sense since U turns are no longer a concern or causing a problem let’s take down the sign so maybe just maybe it will start causing a problem and then every one can protest when the city has to put the U turn sign back up? If they do there’s a protest if they don’t there’s a protest? Got you covered for protesting no matter what where how why when or who puts a U turn sign even if it stops traffic problems or heaven forbid someone from getting rear ended.