How bout we say Throw ALL Democrats in Jail or all black people? To me this combo most of the time they get ANy power they get really stupid and vicious.
I have been saying this since Obama was in power, they call the Republicans Nazis when it’s the Democrats own party consistently following the same playbook of Nazi Germany causing violence, assault, death of innocent people, allowing anything and everything to cross our border including in our country rather than allowing police to do their jobs and put criminals in prison or face capital punishment if appropriate, while putting US Citizens in jeopardy! Meanwhile, while billions go to Ukraine NOT just for the war but take care of their people when we have vets, homeless, and others in dire situations right here in the US. They talk about elites? The elites in this country could absolutely pay for this country to be fixed immediately, but do they do it? Not a bit. You have people dangerous people like Soros and Gates pushing agendas to destroy the very foundation and what this country was founded on, God.
Either these people acclimate or go live somewhere else. We are NOT the United States of Mexico, Iran, Somalia, Pakistan, China, or any other country!
I could go further on this but anyone with any common sense knows all the other aspects already.
As for Democrats, they all need to be put on trial like they did in Nuremberg. You have the media spreading propaganda, corrupting youth spreading this propaganda in schools and universities, politicians who must be deported and kept from ever being allowed to ever come to this country again, corruption of the entire party that must be held accountable, especially allowing a second holocaust of the Jews.
There are two standards and it must be resolved at a higher level of authority. We are a laughing stock on the global level and no other country would allow this.
This country has lost all sense of human rules to live by such manners, courtesy, ethics, integrity, morals, real truth, honesty, self respect for yourself and others and one of the WORST thing we ever did was develop the internet. The very worst of everything is at a fingers touch for anyone and children. Covid pushed that further as well. There are many children and youn adults out there with ZERO discipline, goal oriented, or show any respect out in public, and clearly are not controlled by their parents! Not all parents but it’s really a shame that these youth are not put in military schools or go to jail and serve time. We MUST clean up this country’s people, remove illegals, and ONLY allow those that want to come here, do it the right way.
Many in our society are extremely depraved and sick mentally, and many people need to flatout be in a mental hospital or an asylum. All it takes is just watching the garbage on TikTok! Examples like The View and others spread this type of garbage we are seeing in this country as they are so out of touch!
How bout we say Throw ALL Democrats in Jail or all black people? To me this combo most of the time they get ANy power they get really stupid and vicious.
Throw Whoopi in JAIL . . . with a 500lb ANGRY gorilla that HATES people – should be INTERESTING.
Hey, Whoopi ~
I’ve got the bestest place to throw you……
You’ll fit right in, all camoflauged !
It’s my septic tank !!!
I have been saying this since Obama was in power, they call the Republicans Nazis when it’s the Democrats own party consistently following the same playbook of Nazi Germany causing violence, assault, death of innocent people, allowing anything and everything to cross our border including in our country rather than allowing police to do their jobs and put criminals in prison or face capital punishment if appropriate, while putting US Citizens in jeopardy! Meanwhile, while billions go to Ukraine NOT just for the war but take care of their people when we have vets, homeless, and others in dire situations right here in the US. They talk about elites? The elites in this country could absolutely pay for this country to be fixed immediately, but do they do it? Not a bit. You have people dangerous people like Soros and Gates pushing agendas to destroy the very foundation and what this country was founded on, God.
Either these people acclimate or go live somewhere else. We are NOT the United States of Mexico, Iran, Somalia, Pakistan, China, or any other country!
I could go further on this but anyone with any common sense knows all the other aspects already.
As for Democrats, they all need to be put on trial like they did in Nuremberg. You have the media spreading propaganda, corrupting youth spreading this propaganda in schools and universities, politicians who must be deported and kept from ever being allowed to ever come to this country again, corruption of the entire party that must be held accountable, especially allowing a second holocaust of the Jews.
There are two standards and it must be resolved at a higher level of authority. We are a laughing stock on the global level and no other country would allow this.
This country has lost all sense of human rules to live by such manners, courtesy, ethics, integrity, morals, real truth, honesty, self respect for yourself and others and one of the WORST thing we ever did was develop the internet. The very worst of everything is at a fingers touch for anyone and children. Covid pushed that further as well. There are many children and youn adults out there with ZERO discipline, goal oriented, or show any respect out in public, and clearly are not controlled by their parents! Not all parents but it’s really a shame that these youth are not put in military schools or go to jail and serve time. We MUST clean up this country’s people, remove illegals, and ONLY allow those that want to come here, do it the right way.
Many in our society are extremely depraved and sick mentally, and many people need to flatout be in a mental hospital or an asylum. All it takes is just watching the garbage on TikTok! Examples like The View and others spread this type of garbage we are seeing in this country as they are so out of touch!
How about we send whoopi, the sow, to the rendering works, the world needs more lard