This woman has the balls to question his intelligence when she can’t even complete a sentence without consulting with her phone! Her parents and the schools failed this woman!!!
Woman stands up and says “You aren’t qualified to lead this country, but I am qualified to determine if you are qualified or not.” Ugh.
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He always does a great job at the answer. He has no fear of taking on a person that can’t think for themselves. Someone spent a lot of time only to see her destroyed in very short order. He will be great in the years to come.
I think men who does not respect a woman and be discreet with his comments forgot that he has a mother, a woman.Many do not show respect to woman, hence no respect to their own mothers. IT IS OKAY to criticize but add ugly description. As an educated woman, I ALWAYS VALUE OUR MOTHERS IF EVEN THEY ARE not as educated as you are since they have their innate instinct on the value of A HUMAN.