Tulsi Gabbard’s Chilling Warning About Voting for Democrats



I agree that the Democratic Party no longer holds the ideals of the average American citizen. It is completely out of touch with the majority of the American people.

Ronald Reagan said ,”I didn’t leave the Democratic Party,The Democratic Party Left Me”


  1. This is the time that we have to think twice or three times to decide on whom we will vote for. Different people have different ideas as who are the best group will be chosen. Some believe that Trump will never leave office if he will be elected. HE HAS SHOWN SOME AFFINITY WITH THE COMMUNIST leaders so we have to really look into the best way on selecting our future leaders. IT IS SCARY to be under a communist regime as leaders are the only ones who can be more wealthy and the rest will be left poorer. We have to listen on how these candidates view others, do we honor the ones who degrade others and show low or no respect to women. OUR MOTHERS HAVE RAISED US TO BE GOOD CITIZENS AND yet because our leaders do not show respect for women, our young generation has shown low respect for their own mothers by not even listening to their advice. OUR YOUNG ones have lost respect for the law and become murderers. OTHER PARENTS do not stop their young ones to own guns that is why we have so many school shootings and left many teachers and students alike dead. Do we allow the rampage to continue and become a murderous country? We need more prayers and inculcate on our young people about respect of human dignity and honesty. WE are confronted with leaders who are liars even if their lies have been well documented. LET US ALL PRAY FOR THE GUIDANCE FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT AND TEACH OUR YOUNG PEOPLE TO PRAY!


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