The Des Moines Register should be sued out of existence. They take the side of PETA during the Iowa Cattleman’s Conference and during the Iowa Pork Producer’s conference. There’s a time in the 1990s when a woman representing the Iowa Pork Producers got a pie in her face thrown by PETA and that fucked up newspaper cheered the PETA pussy. Then those jackoffs say they are Iowa’s Newspaper. LIKE HELL THEY ARE!!
The Des Moines Register should be sued out of existence. They take the side of PETA during the Iowa Cattleman’s Conference and during the Iowa Pork Producer’s conference. There’s a time in the 1990s when a woman representing the Iowa Pork Producers got a pie in her face thrown by PETA and that fucked up newspaper cheered the PETA pussy. Then those jackoffs say they are Iowa’s Newspaper. LIKE HELL THEY ARE!!