Trump TROLLS Biden’s State of the Union with MEMES And Hilarious Posts



JB is an embarrassment and deserves every second of it!! America first! Keep up the good work Benny! Trump 2024. Make America Great Again!! FJB and his goons!!

Trump 2024, Biden is destroying this amazing country!!! Lets go Brandon.


    • Well said Don, and the world is laughing at our great country with this crooked buffoon as President, and his fellow Obama Admin. Marxists

  1. What a pathetic,sick,evil,delusional,senile,racist,egotistical,embarrassment,of this clown show.No one believes a word this lying,person says,he wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked him in the face,total loser.

  2. The only difference between Muslim and CATHOLIC “C” is the continent they destroy.
    Can you use the word CATHOLIC “C” traitor?
    FBI IS CATHOLIC …. RINO is CATHOLIC. One outfit has a thousand years of invasion, domination, conquest,
    then elimination…. Be CATHOLIC “C” or be dead. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for failure forever and a traitor.

    Get down to the basics. Biden is CATHOLIC. The SCOTUS is CATHOLIC. NO CATHOLIC is an AMERICAN.

  3. My God, what a bunch of ignorant and low-class commentaries. Making fun of an aging man? You will eventually get up to this age, or your parents and you may not feel good about yourself then, looking back. Blaming the death of his son on Biden for withdrawing out of Kabul? Did he yell at Bush when thousands of young soldiers died in a fabricated war on a country which did not have Republican pushed agenda that Iran had weapons of mass distraction? Democrats do not need using this kind of vile language to succeed, as they surely will.


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