Trump Reposted This Hilarious Video Of Biden!



He said he willfully kept the classified documents but then said he can’t prove intent. Complete bullshit

I’m still voting for Trump2024.


  1. The democrat party has caused the entire planet to loose respect for this once great country. They’re all guilty of being involved in this act of deception.

  2. I just watched William Satner on Kelly Clarkston. Today is the day of te 93rd year of birth. Sarp as a tack and funny as usual. Be a perfect comparison.

  3. At one time not too many years ago the U.S. was the great world leader that all other nations looked up to. We’re no longer a free country as it once was. It’s now become the United States Dictatorship, thanks to a bunch of damn fools who blindly voted for Biden without checking his background. Thanks, you bunch of idiots who voted for Biden. Thanks for helping destroy my generation that sacrificed our teenage years to defend. We used to actually help other countries but now we can’t even help ourselves.

    • So very true, but there’s another side; God ordains all governments, some for good, some for evil; In Isaiah 18th chapter Ethiopia represented the fringe of civilization, and he wrote about a nation beyond civilization, beyond an ocean, with tall smooth skinned people who the whole earth hears and sees what they do or say and what God is going to do to that nation…now what I say; this is a nation that produces 99% of all porn, most of the government is godless and God is starting the last three verses of the 18th chapter, as for me, the rapture is all the hope I have.

  4. Look at all the “different” Bidens! Check out the eyes, ears, chins and such. That’s why he mumbles so much…kind of hard to piece each one together!


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