Hold the phone, dawlin’! You are about to go off ‘half-cocked.’ In the most IMPORTANT position, President Trump is no DEI proponent. In that mostly INSIGNIFICANT 2d banana position the seat occupier either follows the leader or resigns. The only reason to oppose a ‘credible’ individual would be concern about their gaining the #1 position through some catastrophe!
Whatever you do, DO NOT waste your vote, or fail to vote. Also, just pray we actually get to that next election before our children and grandchildren are dodging bullets, as cannon fodder, in what is already WWIII!
If either of those two are chosen, Trump will never get my vote. Talk about DEI running America. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.
Hold the phone, dawlin’! You are about to go off ‘half-cocked.’ In the most IMPORTANT position, President Trump is no DEI proponent. In that mostly INSIGNIFICANT 2d banana position the seat occupier either follows the leader or resigns. The only reason to oppose a ‘credible’ individual would be concern about their gaining the #1 position through some catastrophe!
Whatever you do, DO NOT waste your vote, or fail to vote. Also, just pray we actually get to that next election before our children and grandchildren are dodging bullets, as cannon fodder, in what is already WWIII!