Trump Campaign Officially CONFIRMS That HILLARY Is RUNNING For President in 2024!?



People are looking at this as if it is a bad thing if she got the ballot instead of Sleepy Brandon. A Hillary 2024 ballot would mean an easy 2024 win for Trump. If people hated her back in 2016, they sure as hell will hate her even more now in 2024.

Former independent and new Republican here who is voting for Trump for the first time!


  1. EVERYDAY we read bad comments on others. NO WONDER, OUR WORLD IS BESET WITH SO MANY Troubles BECAUSE we have lost the dignity and love for others. We hate our own family members for difference in the choice of our political leaders, we make very bad comments on others without facts to support allegations and do not respect others except our own selves.

    We have become a narcissistic society who loves our own and also materialistic who adore people with so much materialistic goods to parade around or to brag that as one has announced, I AM VERY RICH.IT IS TIME FOR ALL OF US TO DO SOME INTROSPECTION and dig deeper on how we behave as Christians. We call others in a very demeaning way like immigrants are stain on the blood of Americans or come from insane asylums. It is LENTEN season, a season for self examination on how we treat others. Maybe we have lost the ability to follow the ten commandments. Some of our past leaders call military men as losers and suckers not having the ability to be grateful for their hard life protecting our country from our aggressors. May our good LORD enlighten us to be better Christians and show respect and love for our neighbors.

  2. The comic relief may be that BOTH the criminal Clinton and the ‘persecuted,’ criminally charged, former president will be required to campaign from jail.


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