Trump Assassin TRAINED With Federal Agents At GUN RANGE!? Mysterious Visits To DC, This Is INSANE



That bullet was centimeters away from starting a civil war. Americans are fed up.

Call them the Violent Left. Take control back of the language


  1. BACK TO THE ‘GRASSY KNOLL’! ‘THEY’ ALWAYS like to make it MORE than it really is. One shooter, one gun, one target, one nasty ass trying to make a name for himself ! AND…what a horrible ‘slip’ in security! Why was Trump on the stage ? Maybe Biden just used a last resort to get rid of his ‘Arch Enemy’! Would not be surprised!

    • “they” are incompetent. running the same CIA profile of grooming Lee Harvey Oswald? Sounds just like Hokeywood Calif. not being able to “write new material”? run it like this, the slaves to the state won’t get it, the sheeople in Amerika are totally stupid & cowards

  2. Laughed so hard today when I saw Karine Jean-Pierre say: “Biden has had the most successful presidency in history …doing more for the American people than any president in history! AND will go down as the greatest President ever!” Gag me with a shovel !!!
    AND ‘THEY’ lie with a straight face ! ! ! God help us!

  3. He practiced on the same range as the feds, WTF u can’t be serious, can u ? This is really getting fishy, but not unusual. Hell no, their had to be more than one gunman, this is a very big cover=up, we can’t trust none of these secret service, FBI, CIA,DOJ, NSA, all corrupt, and dangerous, will hide everything and anybody.

  4. Why does everyone on this feed believe all this crap.Good lord,get a life.Btw,I’m not a liberal but I am smart enough to know to do some research before you just believe this stuff.

  5. If this be true, it would indicate a “rogue” government and its “rogue” agencies. This is a moment of sickening clarity that we are no longer living in a democratic, constitutional republic with a government of, by and for the people. This is deeply upsetting, even terrifying. The shots which hit and wounded Trump, Dutch and Coperhaven and the shot which killed Comperatore were essentially fired by murderers in a government that has equipped all IRS workers with handguns and munitions and has mandated that they all sign an agreement to use deadly force against taxpaying citizens. We all now have a bullseye on our backs and are in mortal danger. The shots fired in the rally were a repeat of the shots fired against Ft. Sumter, but this time we must avoid a hot civil war, which would be the very worse scenario. We must keep cool and focus on the critical meaning of this election.

  6. Good one ed. But yes I agree. The alphabet agencies are rogue. Trump, first order is start with a complete new crew..these are not to be trusted.

  7. Praying that truth will come to light. We easily make assumptions. PLEASE do not make assumptions until proven. MAY God protect us from being judgmental without real truths to back them up.


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