The Room Erupts in Laughter as AOC Proves She Lacks Common Sense, Embarrasses Herself in Congress



What a waste of good oxygen

People vote for her.. thats scary


  1. This woman never went to college, if she did, she didn’t learn a dam thing. She is so stupid, how did she knock out the number 3 in the dumbocrap party? What a joke, u people keep electing these nut=jobs, how pathetic.

    • She certainly did go to college, but only the delusional believe that there is any significance to a college degree these days. At some time in our history, Americans stopped valuing common sense and instead started giving credibility only to those who went through the indoctrination process at our colleges and universities. Our country is in its current state due to these ”brainiacs” – virtually EVERY government policy is the result of college educated idiots. It’s time we stop equating college education with intelligence – quite often the two are mutually exclusive. AOC is the poster child for this.

  2. Is Cortez an alcoholic or on some weird drugs? How could she represent the population in her district if her brain isn’t functioning properly? She needs to be removed immediately. How can the people vote for this brainless fool. UNBELIEVABLE!!!

  3. Unfortunately, the only way that AOC can get our attention now is to LOSE THE TOP. It’s her best feature, those 34D’s. This is the talk throughout our great nation, among men AND women. She will make millions in the Adult Video Industry, showing her true talents … mmmm

  4. Actually, she has an economics degree from Boston University. BU supposedly is one step below Ivy League.
    Illustration of how much these degrees mean now; dur5ing the Trump presidency when the economy was doing so well before covid hit, Cortez was asked by a reporter why the unemployment rate was so low if Trump was such a bad president.
    Remember, she’s an economics major from a prestigious university.
    Her answer; the unemployment rate was low because people were working two jobs. Even the reporter was dumbfounded at the stupidity.
    She’s a moron.


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