The Moment a FEDERAL WORKER Complains That She Had to Work!



Hello everyone, Lately they have been trying to limit our work, thereby preventing more people from seeing the truth! If you like what we do and it is important to you that the truth be conveyed to more people, then I ask you to SUBSCRIBE to the channel, like and write a couple of comments, this will help promote our videos! It is not difficult for you, but for us it will be a BIG HELP!!! And we will try to continue to please you with funny and relevant videos! THANKS EVERYONE!!

If an email gets you this upset, maybe you dont have the mental or emotional ability to have a taxpayer funded job.


  1. Oh no the horror to actually work for your pay it’s just terrible and to only write a small 4 sentence paragraph that’s so scary what would America do when our tax dollars pays someone to actually work like us taxpayers do oh what to do what to do how about you work for free to make up for all the time you goofed off while being paid by our taxpayers dollars that we sweat tears to earn

  2. None of these babies has ever worked in the private sector where you are expected to perform, and to be able to report on what you accomplished. Pathetic. Makes the DEI candidates look totally worthless. No wonder America is bankrupt. Close the shop. Shut it all down.

  3. “That E-Mail took away from me applying my lip gloss and eye liner, never mind the donuts were all gone by the time I got into the coffee break room.”

  4. An email from corporate asking you to list 5 things you did last week is not harassment. It’s called seeing if you are “being accountable.”


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