SLURRING Sleepy Joe claims he’s a student of French History



I don’t even think he’s a student of American history.

This clown couldn’t connect half the dots. This is embarrassing.


  1. Make $220 per hour. its very hard to find jobs nowadays. In this XEV4001 situation, you have access to a wealth of resources to help you with your working abilities. Be motivated to promote Thousands of works such as copy paste things through job boards and career nc-02 websites on internet.00

    Just Take A Look At This——-CLICK MY PROFILE

  2. After this election,I just wish to
    see the following just go away,
    as the previous First Families have done in the past years, after completing their terms:

    The Clintons
    The Obamas
    The Bidens

    Let’s give our newly, elected president,
    hopefully President Trump,
    a chance to restore peace, prosperity
    and security to our country 🙏

  3. I agree with Betty. I wish the Obamas, Clintons and Bidens would quietly disappear from public view. If they had any brains, they would. The problem is, they don’t have any brains. Hillary is still whining about how Trump “stole” the 2016 election from her. She lost, tough shit. Deal with it and move on.

  4. Clips like this should be on the evening news on every news outlet in the country. If all the American people realized this mumbling, lying, brain-dead fool was humiliating us on the international stage, they would be able to cast informed votes……not simply continue to believe the Leftwing mantra.

  5. It is sad that some of us claim to be patriots and yet print comments that are unpatriotic. We have become a group of hypercritical people. JUST WONDER IF ANYONE among us have led a small group of people or held some higher positions like maybe a CEO, a mayor of a small town. It is quite clear that people who print inappropriate descriptions of others are hateful and hate themselves. May the HOLY SPIRIT help us dispel bad ideas about others and learn to respect our elected leaders. It is so easy to criticize but not easy to perform as leaders if some of us have been leaders in any venture.


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