Press Sec Embarrasses Herself by Mocking & Laughing at This Serious Question



She said it so perfectly, she doesn’t speak for the American people.

I don’t think this despicable woman has answered ONE question from that podium. Not one effing question


  1. that dude is a disgrace , fukn cabbage patch lookn asswipe
    it never can answer a direct question
    next it s gonna say,
    i dont know man, im just a dude , playn a dude, disguised as another dude.

    • Respect is earned, these people have no respect for others when they:

      1) lie and are not honest on any subject, and
      2) when they cover and hide the truth….
      3) and when We The People pay their unearned salaries which is the reason she is at that podium
      4) and they don’t have enough respect for us to answer a question or give us the truth.

      They don’t deserve respect when they don’t give it to the people who pay them to give us the truth….. it’s her job, for crying out loud!

      • RED states should have separated from this evil empire long ago. Keep paying the deep STATE to abuse you? I know who the idiot is in this equation. Restore the republic of We the People !

  2. Hey, I may not like “KJP”, but let’s give credit where it is due. This allegation that she’s NEVER “answered one question from that podium, not one, effing one…” is untrue. In fact, I remember it distinctly, in part because it was during her inaugural press conference, when someone asked her how she got the job (in view of her surprising lack of qualifications and her lackluster performance thus far) and she responded, fully, accurately, and forthrightly, saying it was because she was a “black, immigrant, lesbian female”. Is anyone going to claim that that was anything but an extremely accurate self-assessment which fully explained her appointment?

  3. I don’t think that Biden can back out now because if he does, he will lose in a big way after all the big talk challenging Trump. Everyone will see it as “chickenin out” in an embarrassing way that will destroy his chance for a second term! Even the Dems will disown him if that happens!

  4. We the people can challenge anybody who does not hold any grain of humility, always bragging about their wealth. Wealth after all will go to dust when we die. PEOPLE with so much pride will never be equal to the people who have humility and obedience to God’s commandments. God knows how we think and act. PRAYING FOR ENLIGHTENMENT for the abusive people by their language and behavior!

  5. She shows her total ignorance, every time she opens her pie hole. Then the stupid lying begins, she must think the American people are stupid, because she just keeps at it, even if it’s, crazy or not. utter bimbo


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