biden at his usual DISGUSTING WORST. Should NEVER have been elected, wasn’t LEGALLY elected, ran our country into a black hole. This feeble old nitwit always was, is, and forever will be A FAILURE. And now we get stuck with kammie, a TOTAL AIRHEAD. PRESIDENT TRUMP, please save us !
If you wanted to destroy America, you wouldn’t do anything different than dopey Joe did. You’d cripple our domestic energy production, cancel the Keystone Pipeline, drain our petroleum reserves, open the border to a biblical flood of illegal aliens, leave $50 billion of US military weapons for the Taliban in Afghanistan and more. Dopey Joe is guilty of treason.
What a joke. There isn’t anything working, inflation is still sky high, people are hurting bad. Hidenbiden is full of crap, as is commie harris.
biden at his usual DISGUSTING WORST. Should NEVER have been elected, wasn’t LEGALLY elected, ran our country into a black hole. This feeble old nitwit always was, is, and forever will be A FAILURE. And now we get stuck with kammie, a TOTAL AIRHEAD. PRESIDENT TRUMP, please save us !
If you wanted to destroy America, you wouldn’t do anything different than dopey Joe did. You’d cripple our domestic energy production, cancel the Keystone Pipeline, drain our petroleum reserves, open the border to a biblical flood of illegal aliens, leave $50 billion of US military weapons for the Taliban in Afghanistan and more. Dopey Joe is guilty of treason.