Peter Doocy Just BUSTED KJP LYING To Her Face!!




  1. 10 Million Illegals crossing the border under Biden, an impotent Congress, corporate America Mammon’s and who are to blame. The ones sworn to hold the sacred trust of the Public, as our conscience, our MEDIA. The Investigative reporters, the ones who should be reporting the TRUTH- are the real TRAITORS!

  2. R and D are meaningless. CATHOLICS have ruined the USA since 1956.
    Now the President Biden is CATHOLIC. The SCOTUS is CATHOLIC. Head of house McCarthy is CATHOLIC. Head of Senate, McConnell is CATHOLIC. Most of the heads of govt are CATHOLIC.
    You will never find the term ‘globalist’ nor ‘ lib’ nor ‘conserv’ in a voting booth. All are smoke words to confuse. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for corruption and failure forever.

      • Amerika sends Israel our money, they send their lawyers here, to help destroy Amerika. but we send money to other people that hate us too….. yeah, you are free… keep believing…. dumbasses

  3. We are rapidly becoming a Socialist country. This goes against everything this country was built on. Large government, spending and high taxes stifle creativity and small business. If we vote for more of the same we are doomed !

    • we became socialist in 1865, when the republic was destroyed, 660 000 citizens killed, the rest enslaved to the Den of Corruption… wise up

  4. Try to understand that communists have been working on this very state of affairs before u were evens thought if. Start reading real history read imprimus and get info about Hillsdale college free on line classes. That’s a start. Instead of foul language and anger start solving the problems you are facing and do something about it. We need our young people to be well educated about freedom and solutions so this can never happen again in our world. Evil never sleeps be on guard you’re smarter than they are prove it. Send the socialist fascist communist dogs packing.

  5. Interesting that the communist are not mentioned. The individuals mentioned, ie: Joe Biden, etc as Catholics do not follow the Catholic teachings but are used by the globalists (Masonic – satanist) to diminish or attack Catholicism. Catholicism is the basis for the western culture, with its individual freedoms and responsibilities. This is anathema to satan and the NWO because total control and anti-Christianity is its goal.


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