P. Diddy’s Former Security Guard Accuses Him of the Worst Thing Imaginable!



Katt Williams deserves a Lifetime Achievement Award


  1. Security guard “raped”by Diddy???
    If this is true , then the security guard needs to go to the police and press charges, then get a different line of work.

  2. P Diddy is a disgusting PIG. This is only the beginning for him. What is going to be worse than the courts and prison is when he is facing God with all the horrific things he and his cronies have done. We all know that Jennifer Lopez was part of his sickness and was with him for a long time, so she is just as sick as he is, along with many other well known names. I guess they have never thought about hell???? Well, they will be thinking about it now, because that is where they are all headed. When I think of what they did to Justin Bieber it makes me want to vomit, plus other kids. They couldn’t be sicker than they are. Justin has given it to the Lord and God will use him to make things right. My heart hurts for what he has gone through. Thank God for his amazing wife that loves him enough to keep encouraging him. They are a blessing to God and vice versa. Diddy is like the Devil himself as are all his followers that have been involved with him, they are all going down!!!

  3. Susan December 20, 2024 At 10:45 pm
    P Diddy is a disgusting PIG. This is only the beginning for him. What is going to be worse than the courts and prison is when he is facing God with all the horrific things he and his cronies have done. We all know that Jennifer Lopez was part of his sickness and was with him for a long time, so she is just as sick as he is, along with many other well known names. I guess they have never thought about hell???? Well, they will be thinking about it now, because that is where they are all headed. When I think of what they did to Justin Bieber it makes me want to vomit, plus other kids. They couldn’t be sicker than they are. Justin has given it to the Lord and God will use him to make things right. My heart hurts for what he has gone through. Thank God for his amazing wife that loves him enough to keep encouraging him. They are a blessing to God and vice versa. Diddy is like the Devil himself as are all his followers that have been involved with him, they are all going down!!!


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