Oprah Has PANIC ATTACK As Trump Drops SAVAGE Receipts From Her During DNC Convention Speech



My heartbreaks for President Trump enduring unimaginable betrayal

Never liked Oprah. Just had a feeling about her. Now I know why.


  1. What a sick, despicable, backstabbing, ugly woman, likes to talk behind peoples backs, and spew hate, she makes me sick every time I hear her.

  2. Look at the only two times she publicly supports a canditate:
    Obama and Kamala.
    What do they have in common that other democratic candidates don’t?
    Now do you see the obvious?

  3. Oprah Winfrey is a phony who likes to be in the spotlight and flaunt her money. WHO FU..ING CARES!! MONEY CAN’T BUY CLASS!! When she had her show and the so called “giving cars and other presents away” what majority of people did not know was that there were taxes on these “gifts” and Winfrey didn’t pay for that the person who received these gifts had to pay the taxes on them. So those gifts weren’t FREE like Winfrey told the world they were. SHE’S A FREAKING LIAR!! It would be nice to see her lose millions of dollars.

  4. Never liked Oprah! She is a grifter! Remember the girl’s school she built, and the girls were raped at that school? She denied that! Swore it didn’t happen! She bought in Obama thinking she would get a cabinet position, once Obama got in, he kicked her to the curb! Backstabbers all! Glad Trump showed the letters she wrote! Shows she is a double dealer, back stabber, liar, advantage taker grifter!

  5. this is the epitome of victimhood. A millionaire, with African heritage, in Amerika is still a victim, kept down by the White man. Part of the unGREATful SOCIETY that a racist (LBJ) started 60 years ago. N1663R


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