No this is failed demonrats leadership of California thier choice not mine was not a hurricane not a tornado it was not an earthquake it was the voters of California and thier global warming religion California should pay for this themselves
California fires is California’s voters choice this was thier votes that cost them dearly and America should nit foot the bill of California disastrous stupidity thay should pay for thier choice to save a tiny fish versus thier citizens this was California’s demonrat choices thier tax dollars votes have consequences so California should pay for thier own stupidity
No this is failed demonrats leadership of California thier choice not mine was not a hurricane not a tornado it was not an earthquake it was the voters of California and thier global warming religion California should pay for this themselves
Sounds like you summed it up darn GOOD with that YEP
Not a natural a man made disaster
California fires is California’s voters choice this was thier votes that cost them dearly and America should nit foot the bill of California disastrous stupidity thay should pay for thier choice to save a tiny fish versus thier citizens this was California’s demonrat choices thier tax dollars votes have consequences so California should pay for thier own stupidity
Yes i just cant even think of NOT catching water when it rains How can any state be THAT stupid But then i guess its that kind of ppl that live there