Now We KNOW why Biden kept those CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS!



I want my 4 years back. This regime has stolen 4 years of my life with this lawlessness and stupidity.

Fascinating, I guess the archivist just wasn’t concerned about classified documents until Trump, again, another great thing Trump has done for our country!


  1. Biden is too old, too feeble, to mentally challenged to face the same “crime” they accuse Trump of, and yet he’s just fine to be President of the USA in this dangerous time? Is there any sense left in the US legal system, is there any honesty, just a spark? Democrats lie, cheat and steal elections, complain about abortion rulings and things they can control if they just have the will, and in Washington insanity rules unchallenged. On your guard, Argentina, soon there will be crowds at your border trying to find a better life as the US collapses.

  2. joe knew what he was doing simple as that
    and being a life time in the government he knew
    and we need term limits
    2 terms and out

  3. Our former President just announced that if he loses the 2024 election there will be violence. He is the one leading us into becoming a banana republic where elections don’t matter. The will of the people doesn’t matter, nothing matters but his desire to be President for life and if he wins this election that is exactly what will happen. He paints a frightening picture of what America will become if he is elected.

  4. Wait what? Karen, for one only dems have been spouting this election violence crap. You really need to think for yourself and not rely on what activists tell you to say.

  5. Biggest fear the dems have is from the manure fork. The Republicans need to get a hold of the manure fork and scoop this guy up off the barnyard and toss him into the manure spreader with the rest of the dems.

  6. We must get rid of these sick minded Liberal Democrats. So we can out Country back to Normal. President Trump is the only one. That can save America. And MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ( MAGA ) President Trump 2024 and Since Congress is fighting Term limits. I have a Great Idea to take Care of That .

  7. The truth is always found out about the criminal democrats, and none of them is ever held accountable by the third world justice system! None of them!

  8. We are guilty in making judgements without solid facts to support what our leaders do. We use prayers as our vehicle in confronting evil deeds. We are now getting very negative about others and allow hatred to dominate in our relationships with others. Can we teach our children and younger generation to learn how to respect others? We tend to use profanities instead of some educated, respectful terms. Reading comments that are obnoxious are contagious. MAY OUR GOOD LORD TEACH US TO BE forgiving and less judgmental. It is LENTEN season, time for reconciliation and introspection. Leading millions of people is not an easy task. Let us retain our dignity and self respect.

  9. Where is justice? Biden had files from being a Senator which he took, stole when he had no right to them. He has files from being VP which were classified he had no right to take them thrown in boxes in his garage where anyone could look through them not locked up in a private space as he was suppose to. Gets his hand slapped no FBI, Police surrounding his summer home threats to him or his family. They didn’t go through personal items like they did at Trump residence all the while knowing he was not there but in New York. Trump gets criminal charges while Biden remains President our government is a joke but they are hurting the legal American people!


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