Newsom ROASTED for fabricated claim on National Guard at border



Spending is never enough for Democrats.

Left’s favorite line is ‚it’s the republicans fault‚ it’s so sad and childish


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  2. NewSCUM is an arrogant, lying pos just like his aunt nanny goat Piglosi! They should be removed from office! They are destroying California, turning it into a S**t hole! He is NOT presidential material! Just like the cadaver in chief we have now! The demonrats have no good candidate to offer! GO MAGA!!!!!!!

  3. Nobody in their right mind voted for this lying and thieving POS who destroyed San Francisco the ‘new doo doo’ capital of America with his sanctuary city declaration as mayor and is now completing the job of destroying the entire golden state now only golden in the piss and SHIT littering and stinking up the streets, sidewalks and city parks of San Francisco that some neighborhood are actual biohzards. Newsom had help, his predecessor jerry the clown brown. Yes folks, this is liberalism at its zenith and something you never, ever want where you live that can be avioded by never electing liberals, or progressives or whatever these idiots are calling themselves these days to sound less dangerous. Come to California the one time golden state now a 3rd world dump and see and smell liberalism. This is the liberals legacy and what they envision for the USA if God forbid newsom or that matter any other liberal ever gets into the white House. Newsom’s continued releection is evidence of blatant voter fraud that needs to be investigated by the FED’s. We tried getting rid of this worthless piece of trash 2+ years ago with a recall generated by over 600K legal, vetted voter signatures to get rid of him but by some miracle known only to God, he beat the recall to screw us deeper into the hole that he’d already done. There’s no way in hell even 1/1000th of one % of this 600K had a change of heart, no way and by my math, 1/1000th of 600K is 60. There’s no way there are that many stupid voters in California ok with this SHIT.


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