There’s nothing working, hidenbiden is delusional, and should not be making any decisions, he isn’t mentally fit, that is why he isn’t president, any more. they couped u out, all your best friends, friends like that who needs enemies huh. lol
Yeah, dopey Joe’s policies are working – they’re destroying America. And that was the original intent, to turn America into a third world cesspool. It will take years, possibly decades to recover from the damage dopey Joe did to our country.
” My Policies are working, start writing that” ?,…. They Lie and get caught often enough now joe,…. If they claimed your policies worked they would already be out of business instead of just being called the fake news media,…. 20-40% inflation and 3.2%, 5.9% S.S. cola on retired folks does NOT work,….Starving The “Working Poor” and demanding we pay for “Liberal arts degree’s” for scammers does not work,…. Open Borders and Illegals taking jobs from Citizen does NOT work,…. Open Borders so you can turn a buck on drugs and human trafficking does NOT work,…. and for that matter JrB YOU have never Worked a day in your life but have been on the Political “Dole” for More than 50 years Now,…. Don’t blame it on the media Exclusively, When your piss poor Record speaks for Itself !
There’s nothing working, hidenbiden is delusional, and should not be making any decisions, he isn’t mentally fit, that is why he isn’t president, any more. they couped u out, all your best friends, friends like that who needs enemies huh. lol
Yeah, dopey Joe’s policies are working – they’re destroying America. And that was the original intent, to turn America into a third world cesspool. It will take years, possibly decades to recover from the damage dopey Joe did to our country.
” My Policies are working, start writing that” ?,…. They Lie and get caught often enough now joe,…. If they claimed your policies worked they would already be out of business instead of just being called the fake news media,…. 20-40% inflation and 3.2%, 5.9% S.S. cola on retired folks does NOT work,….Starving The “Working Poor” and demanding we pay for “Liberal arts degree’s” for scammers does not work,…. Open Borders and Illegals taking jobs from Citizen does NOT work,…. Open Borders so you can turn a buck on drugs and human trafficking does NOT work,…. and for that matter JrB YOU have never Worked a day in your life but have been on the Political “Dole” for More than 50 years Now,…. Don’t blame it on the media Exclusively, When your piss poor Record speaks for Itself !