This isn’t shocking. Not only have they shunned him from ANY interviews and screen time, but they have done this exact same thing to Trump during his speeches. Truly shameful!
It is not so much what he has to say as what the truth is. The democrat owned cowardly media is is nothing but traitor puppets with no spine to tell or report the truth. Yes Jan it is censorship and against the constitution. Just one more thing the democrats and those who hate America want removed. I took an oath to defend both in 1965 and as yet I have not been released from that oath.
Thank you for your service! My father, my husband, my father-in-law, my brother-in-law were all Navy vets. My stepfather was also a Navy vet and re-enlisted in the Air Force. God Bless America and our military and Trump/Vance 2024!!! Love to all who protect America from evil entities in spite of the evil entities from within.
NavVet, I am also a NavVet, and I agree 100% that these corrupt stations, are all in cahoots to lie about everything, they don’t like. I also have not been released from that oath of service, and I’m still ready to defend our constitution, at a moments notice, despite the anti=American traitor dumbocraps, who hate our country. fkthemall
Seriously, does anyone even watch MSLSD anymore? They spew lies and hatred, and their “commentators” are of a substandard intelligence.
Wow, you give them way too much credit!
Cutting the feed is censorship. Pure and simple. They don’t want us to hear what he has to say.
It is not so much what he has to say as what the truth is. The democrat owned cowardly media is is nothing but traitor puppets with no spine to tell or report the truth. Yes Jan it is censorship and against the constitution. Just one more thing the democrats and those who hate America want removed. I took an oath to defend both in 1965 and as yet I have not been released from that oath.
Thank you for your service! My father, my husband, my father-in-law, my brother-in-law were all Navy vets. My stepfather was also a Navy vet and re-enlisted in the Air Force. God Bless America and our military and Trump/Vance 2024!!! Love to all who protect America from evil entities in spite of the evil entities from within.
NavVet, I am also a NavVet, and I agree 100% that these corrupt stations, are all in cahoots to lie about everything, they don’t like. I also have not been released from that oath of service, and I’m still ready to defend our constitution, at a moments notice, despite the anti=American traitor dumbocraps, who hate our country. fkthemall