The country can’t bring back the mental hospitals and asylums fast enough! A large portion of society clearly cannot live in reality much less deal with daily life. Simple common situations send people over tbe edge. Can you even imagine if these men and women of age were drafted? They can’t even tolerate the military now less having to actually going to war!
A fairly large group of these GenZs and Millenials have primarily been a problem with some GenX and baby boomers following it up. We warned people years ago. Many of us saw it happening and now here we are today seeing the problem.
There is an extremely poor lack of common sense, knowledge of just basic information like math, spelling, and basic science and actual history. It’s pretty pathetic. They don’t even know the difference of right and wrong, what is and isn’t acceptable actions in society, poor comprehension skills, poor character and self esteem, lack of self respect for themselves or others, poor manners and courtesy if any at all, laziness and want handouts versus working hard to get what you want, lack of motivation or goal setting, seeking instant gratification and popularity in spite of lack of abilities, in some cases poor hygiene and wearing sleeping attire or slippers out to stores or restaurants, hair not even combed or bathed, poor values, no religious upbringing creating respectable traits, no focus, or discipline, play by the hours on video games than bringing contributions to society or improving themselves somehow, and toxic attitudes when interacting with people or even parents.
Communication is greatly lacking and you can’t get them off their damn phones. I have seen children speak very distespectfully to their parents with filthy filthy language and in some cases the parents are equally as bad!
If you compare 20 to 30 year olds back in the 50s and 60s as an example versus now, a portion of the 20 to 30 year olds of today they act like they are in their teens and throw temper tantrums if they don’t get their way. Now compare those of the past who were very responsible, acting like they had a good head on their shoulders, were involved in going to church, including the children, taught children good values, to learn responsibility, parents had their jobsas a mother and father appropriately, they worked to get a home, car, raising children and were family focused. Airing problems out in the open and acting like out of control hooligans wasn’t acceptable actions, condicted themselves as ladies and gentleman, and acted with manners, courtesy, and dignity when they went out in public.
Now it’s people who think it’s all about themselves, the self centered, self absorbed, whiny, emotional, toxic adult children that cannot handle life period. Emotionally they are utter train wrecks! Men are crying over everything instead of acting like stable rational men while women are out of control screaming like someone that needs to be in a psych ward. Meanwhile they are getting tats, piercings, dying their hair blue, use the filthiest language, including around children, and this is supposed to he a role model for children?
It is a MAJOR problem in this country and it IS getting worse. We see it all over, including Tik Tok as an example.
Flashback: After Bill Ayers bombed the U.S. Capitol building, Ayers hosted a fundraiser for Barack Obama in Ayers’s living room. Ayers also got hired as a college professor. The left doesn’t find this to be even the slightest bit embarrassing or shameful.
Did the coon cry over that one? I doubt it very much.
The country can’t bring back the mental hospitals and asylums fast enough! A large portion of society clearly cannot live in reality much less deal with daily life. Simple common situations send people over tbe edge. Can you even imagine if these men and women of age were drafted? They can’t even tolerate the military now less having to actually going to war!
A fairly large group of these GenZs and Millenials have primarily been a problem with some GenX and baby boomers following it up. We warned people years ago. Many of us saw it happening and now here we are today seeing the problem.
There is an extremely poor lack of common sense, knowledge of just basic information like math, spelling, and basic science and actual history. It’s pretty pathetic. They don’t even know the difference of right and wrong, what is and isn’t acceptable actions in society, poor comprehension skills, poor character and self esteem, lack of self respect for themselves or others, poor manners and courtesy if any at all, laziness and want handouts versus working hard to get what you want, lack of motivation or goal setting, seeking instant gratification and popularity in spite of lack of abilities, in some cases poor hygiene and wearing sleeping attire or slippers out to stores or restaurants, hair not even combed or bathed, poor values, no religious upbringing creating respectable traits, no focus, or discipline, play by the hours on video games than bringing contributions to society or improving themselves somehow, and toxic attitudes when interacting with people or even parents.
Communication is greatly lacking and you can’t get them off their damn phones. I have seen children speak very distespectfully to their parents with filthy filthy language and in some cases the parents are equally as bad!
If you compare 20 to 30 year olds back in the 50s and 60s as an example versus now, a portion of the 20 to 30 year olds of today they act like they are in their teens and throw temper tantrums if they don’t get their way. Now compare those of the past who were very responsible, acting like they had a good head on their shoulders, were involved in going to church, including the children, taught children good values, to learn responsibility, parents had their jobsas a mother and father appropriately, they worked to get a home, car, raising children and were family focused. Airing problems out in the open and acting like out of control hooligans wasn’t acceptable actions, condicted themselves as ladies and gentleman, and acted with manners, courtesy, and dignity when they went out in public.
Now it’s people who think it’s all about themselves, the self centered, self absorbed, whiny, emotional, toxic adult children that cannot handle life period. Emotionally they are utter train wrecks! Men are crying over everything instead of acting like stable rational men while women are out of control screaming like someone that needs to be in a psych ward. Meanwhile they are getting tats, piercings, dying their hair blue, use the filthiest language, including around children, and this is supposed to he a role model for children?
It is a MAJOR problem in this country and it IS getting worse. We see it all over, including Tik Tok as an example.
Sick! Sick! Sick!
Flashback: After Bill Ayers bombed the U.S. Capitol building, Ayers hosted a fundraiser for Barack Obama in Ayers’s living room. Ayers also got hired as a college professor. The left doesn’t find this to be even the slightest bit embarrassing or shameful.
Did the coon cry over that one? I doubt it very much.
talk about a mentally ill news caster!!!
If you needed any more proof of the msnbc people trying to prop up the democrats narrative I do not know what it would be.