Liberal Media Tries To Blame Trump For Assassination As Democrats GIVE UP On Overthrowing Biden!



I’m a 50 year old black woman. I will never vote for a Democrat again. Trump 2024 has my vote. Every black person I know is voting for Trump!

I am so sick of hearing this sick narrative about Trump and conservatives.


  1. a bullied kid who needed help,
    and the media needs to stop it’s fake, opinioned reporting,
    joe is a frail dementia OLD man who is a threat to the country and the world, he can NOT remember, makes up stories,
    and we the people need a strong leader who CAN talk with other people and make sense
    it is going to be a civil war if democrats win, dictator joe, you just wait to see your lives are going to change, you will work, you will own nothing and you will be happy the communist ways, and taxes upon taxes to pay for ukraine, draft of the young people just wait

  2. This is what the Media and Democrats wanted they told us they wanted Trump killed. Corruption and Lies and Violence is a way of life for Democrats.

    • And when all their lies, lawfare, and uncalled for impeachments’ money didn’t work, what did they have left to try? We’ve seen just how dirty our legal system can be, how corrupt our legal beagles in the highest offices, who know what judges and Soros’ supported lawyers and judges to appoint, can play. IMO, GARLAND, doing the administration’s dirty work, needs to lose his job, too. IMO, he’s lied to congress, hid evidence they’ve subpoenaed, still trying to cover for the demented one in office. He isn’t the only one. I think we’ve had FBI agents who have been involved, too, for instance the ones who raided the former president’s home, moving evidence around, trying to make their perp look guilty. The next president needs to do a house cleaning, starting with this corrupt DOJ/FBI/CIA. Remember that lying letter that 51 CIA spooks gave to Biden? IMO, our DOJ/FBI/CIA need to experience that thorough house cleaning, starting with the one at the top! A shame for somebody who has been in the profession so long, and it makes one wonder just how many corrupt deals he’s been involved in. Just my opinion.

  3. Even after the democrats tell their pet terrorists to attack trump and his voters. And even after say they put a target on Trump, the democrats and their fake news stations try to do damage control by posting more fake news like this fake BS of theirs on how this is trumps fault. What will you fake news stations do once the democrats can’t protect you and your fake news anymore. The corruption of the democrats and the fake news stations will be justified if Trump does go after yall for the corruption of ya lies over the last 8 years.

  4. Once again the media has failed us. The media rules need to be changed to onlly reporting the news,no more indoctrinations and self prophesies.
    The media needs to learn actions suffer consequences. Trying to state “retribution” or “revenge” is hyperbole (sp).
    Our media is thoroughly sick in it reporting – if you can call it that.

  5. We are so quick in making judgements. LET OUR CREATOR do the judgements. We have lost our humane values and respect for others that is why we have very corrupted young people because many adults are showing many immoral values and less people think about their spiritual lives. We ae so consumed with material things and forget about who our Creator is. Vulgarity and profane languages dominate our posts hence we have disturbed young people go into some shooting spree. YOUNG KIDS are sometimes mistreated by bullies who might have learned the values of their parents whose behaviors are so distorted and provocative, buy guns and leave them unlocked, hence we get young shooters get hold of those gums. This is the very appropriate time that we need to check our own values, need more prayers and take time to review our Christian values if we are Christians. PRAYING THAT people who are unChristian or nominal Christians will be enlightened by the HOLY SPIRIT THAT we have a GOD WHO WATCHES OUR THOUGHTS, ACTIONS AND WORDS. PLEASE if you have some humane value left please stop posting vulgar and profane words. We can choose our candidates but please stop lambasting the candidates as if they have not gone to school or if you may not choose the journalists/reporters, do not click on their channels. As adults, we are endowed with good discriminatory ideas, so please do not forget about the dignity of honesty, humility and respect for others.


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