The crooked, corrupt liberal leftist party wants to bury the whole saga of Jeffery Epstein and people who are guilty of flying to his island to participate in sexual acts with minors. Bill Clinton is a rotten dirty pedophile and he and the others should be charged as such.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know how many honest and true Christians we have in Washington, D.C. If they were true Christians, they wouldn’t be destroying our country like they are. I may not live to see it, but God sees it all and they will pay for their actions.
The crooked, corrupt liberal leftist party wants to bury the whole saga of Jeffery Epstein and people who are guilty of flying to his island to participate in sexual acts with minors. Bill Clinton is a rotten dirty pedophile and he and the others should be charged as such.
It is all done with and in worship of Satan. Satanic acts. Total immorality. Evil.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know how many honest and true Christians we have in Washington, D.C. If they were true Christians, they wouldn’t be destroying our country like they are. I may not live to see it, but God sees it all and they will pay for their actions.