Kamala Struggles to Hide Her Anger as Press Asks Her This Question



Please remember2 months ago this woman told us joe Biden was fit to serve another 4 years as president

12 days since a KJP press briefing! Hmmmmm, I wonder why


  1. How will we pay for it? Well, we’ll just print more money, we’ll add to the deficit, and it pays for itself. Wonderful. That’s why she’s terrified to debate Trump. Nothing pays for itself. That’s why we have a $35 trillion deficit.

  2. Kamala is proof that the American dream is still possible..and that is…even a drunk postitute can run for president without a single vote making her. A candidate..she is just hiding out waiting for the vote counters to flip enough votes late at night to put her in office like they did last presidential installation..welcome to the new banana republic…

  3. They say anyone can run for el presidente. And cackling Kammy is proof of that, with an IQ not much higher than her shoe size. I’ll never believe dopey Joe won the 2020 election without fraud. If cackling Kammy wins the 2024 election, well folks, there’s no point in voting anymore. May as well just stay home. America will be just like Russia, Red China, Venezuela, North Korea, etc.

  4. IT is so sad that educated adults have become so trashy with their language. Do we feel good if somebody lashes out bad descriptions of who we are? Why can’t we be a little dignified and polite with others. I GUESS the way we see people is a real reflection of who we are, no decency, full of hatred for others and think we are more intelligent than others. PEOPLE WITH LOW IQ CAN EASILY IDENTIFY OTHERS BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE SAME ATTRIBUTE. IT IS very unchristian to label people in any demeaning way. IF YOU THINK YOU ARE BETTER THAN THESE PEOPLE YOU LABEL UNSAVORY NAMES, RUN FOR OFFICE AND PROVE YOURSELVES THAT YOU ARE ALSO CAPABLE OF GOVERNING AMERICA. PRAYING that the HOLY SPIRIT PENETRATE YOUR VERY HATEFUL CONSCIENCE.


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