Kamala Harris is INCREDIBLY Stupid



Hey Kammy Harris, stick to something you know. Big yellow school buses!

She is the main reason Brandon hasn’t been removed from office.


  1. No , they knew she was this stupid from the beginning. Why do you think they used her like old Joe. Cause their both to stupid to care. The worse president and vp in our history and both are as stupid as a rock. Well maybe not a rock, a rock has enough intelligence to just sit there and keep their mouth shut. Unlike both president and our vp.

  2. People are just blind to stupidity at the highest level. How can you not look into the eyes of these ignorant buffoons and think they can lead this country to prosperity and world freedom? What a joke!!

  3. U know who voted these two embarrassing nitwits, in,it was all coordinated and orchistrated by the deep state, and all their commie partners.Now how long is it going to take, to get rid of these two destroyers, of our country.Are u fed up yet? If not,u deserve to wallow, in poverty,with dumb and dumber. Patheticlosers

  4. Cackling Kamala is dopey Joe’s insurance against impeachment and removal from office. Both have IQs not much higher than their shoe size.

  5. K. Harris, another tranny, couldn’t pass the BAR exam. What she lacks in intelligence, she makes up for in the willingness to anything, anything, to gain power and money. She succeeds because there are so few officials or people with any integrity. They took advantage of her, and to avoid exposing themselves, they had to keep pushing her and using her. The Catholic Church paid her millions to get 450-550 child raping priests off the hook, never prosecuted. Planned Parenthood paid her millions to keep the videos taken which exposed their own greed from being played. Etc., etc., etc. She is filthy and dirty, and for a price.

  6. They both were hand-picked by George Soros and the DNC because they could be the ’empty suits’ for public viewing with all decisions being made behind the scenes by the Commie rat bastards who are actually calling the shots. Both were picked for being easily manipulated since their cumulative IQ’s were smaller than their shoe sizes and posed no threat to the real puppet masters in charge.

  7. clinton called TRUMP SUPPORTERS “DEPLORABLES” THESE IDIOTS will believe ANYTHING the dems so because they are what I CALL:


  8. YouTube is part of the Commie government censoring machine..how can we have so many commies in our country ,& government..Because the DEMON-RATZ changed the laws..!!!!!

  9. I am a 24 year retired military veteran of the same rank as the Democrat nominee who Kamala Harris picked for her running mate. I detest people who lie about there service to the Nation to enhance themselves. I also detest people who don’t have enough spine to stand up and state there true positions on how they will serve the American people. Shame in the entire Democrat party and the liberal media who are protecting her and her party. I would hope that my fellow Brothers and Sister in Arms would feel the same way.

  10. that has been the democrat EVIL PLOT all along,
    get another 4 years in to DESTROY the country,
    communism here we come
    and why do you think all the illegals are leaving their country and coming here thinking of freedom,
    BUT vote in democrats and it will be what they are leaving,
    democrats want to be DICTATORS simple

    • I think the Clinton/Trump election was supposed to be the nail in America’s coffin. When Trump won that really triggered the left and they have lived and breathed their hatred for Trump ever since. Don’t underestimate their left’s power to cheat in November. Evil never gives up.

  11. So sorry to say that not all republicans nor democrats are stupid, we have to be selective of the people we view as stupid and spineless. I HOPE YOU GUYS WHO ARE HPERCRITICAL have the brains too, may be not because you are sitting on your armchairs making criticisms may be not with enough basis. IF THESE PEOPLE are stupid, they should have not been elected or became district attorneys or elected for high office. We have lost the value of loving others that is why it is easy to criticize others and yet we cannot criticize our own stupidity. MAY BE IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE! MAY the HOLY SPIRIT MAKE US MORE SENSITIVE TO THE WEAKNESSES OF OTHERS AND GAIN INSIGHT ON WHETHER WE ARE STUPID OR MORE INTELLIGENT than our elected officials or may run for office like they do!

  12. Kammie is a TOTAL AIRHEAD … TRUMP will destroy her in the upcoming debate, just like JD will manhandle Walz. The democraps are CLUELESS fools who spent the last four years doing NOTHING for our country, only concentrating on getting rid of TRUMP … They have NO PLATFORM for the next four years — all they want is POWER. GO MAGA !

  13. Put a 10 degree ramp entering your house so that the globalist puppet, god worshiping, demonrat CRIMINAL organizations will be afraid to enter .

  14. I wanted to see the video too. It is getting very spooky… we are getting censored and we have our comments deemed inappropriate more and more…democracy? I don’t know what this means lately! Democrats drove JFK Jr. away….maybe we should just think about that for a hot minute!


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