Kamala Harris Gets DESTROYED By Trump After She Says The DUMBEST Woke Nonsense Possible!



Everything Woke turns to shit. Harris is a prime example.

Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump


    • iDiot – have some more Kool-Aid. If you think America is doing good under the Clown Regime that we currently have, you’re delusional. If you don’t think America was great the previous 4 years, you’re either a paid troll, living under a rock or are living on govt handouts. Go back to your basement. Go Trump/Vance 2024!!!

    • Just how would you think the very ones Joe Bidon and Kamala that did their best to destroy this country with the help of Obama will be able to now fix everything they destroyed they have no desire to fix anything. Everything that they did the past 4 years was designed to hurt Americans and enrich themselves. You really have to be stupid not to understand that. Americans do not want more of the same. We love our kids and we will not allow any more of the vulgar crap they have put in our schools any longer. We want good schools where they can have a normal education. Obama and Bidon and Harris have done more damage to America then any other people in our government.

  1. WALT, That sure sounds like a Threat to Me. Are you sure your not FBI or NSA or CIA. You sure sound like a Deep State Fed to me!

  2. Walt is a D*MB*SS , Kool-Aid drinking sheeple ! Myself , my family & everybody I know would LOVE to be able to erase the last 45 months of the devastation & demoralization that the current regime has been trying to shove down our throats !!! Let’s Go Brandon !
    F*ck Biden& Kacklin’ Kamala , what a D*MB*SS she is too , what person with a lick of “common sense” is gonna take her serious ? Countries around the World are laughing @the joke that she is ……GOD & Trump , PLEASE SAVE OUR COUNTRY 👍🙏🏼

  3. I believe that most of the American citizens I know, see the intellectual, moral, ethical and common-sense problems associated with Biden, Harris
    and Walz. They are emotionally, like little children who discovered the chocolate pudding, left out on the picnic table, and want it all for themselves. Let’s not give it to them until they can do something productive to earn it.

  4. So sad that that we are so good in demeaning others and yet we cannot see our own stupidity. I HOPE SOME of us have held high positions in our government and see how these people behave and operate. We as onlookers are so hypercritical and yet has not done any governing or leading a corporation let alone lead a community where we reside. Have we tried being a leader in our districts, if not, just stop getting too hypercritical about others. WE cannot see beyond our elbows, that is why we can easily judge others. PRAYING THAT YOU ARE GOOD ROLE MODELS FOR YOUR CHILDREN, maybe not because we have many young adults who have committed crimes like rape, gun violence or making trouble in our communities. MAY BE WE SO DUMB TOO AS IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE! MAY our saints and martyrs rise from their graves and show us the right behavior to be role models for your adults who are committing transgressions.

  5. We don’t need some stupid moron laughing every time she opens her mouth. This is a seriously responsible position she’s trying to assume. S he does not have the mind set to hold the position of president of the United States of America.


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