Joy Behar Gets DESTROYED By Former Co-Host After The View’s WORST Meltdown Yet!



Sunny. YOU are what’s wrong with this country!

As a trans woman I voted for TRUMP. This administration and economy is so bad that the Amish voted. Let that sink in.


  1. These gals are nuts! They just don’t get it. The a republicans are more for the working people now. Americans are smart. The parties are shifting.

  2. Every single female on the view is a cup and saucer short of a full place setting!!!! And when it comets what Sunny Hoisten or what ever her name is of Of being misoginests, racist, divisive,and the election should decided by the people for the people as it says in the Constitution A and They did speak.They are tired of your lying, cheating, thieving name calling etc…And if all that was said about you you would have that person arrested….Because you are mean, hateful, self-centered, narcissistic individual because you think your perfect and think people should worship the ground you walk on….

  3. As a retired truck driver- I tried watching the view at different times across America—. Every time —. It just made me SICK They are not AWARE of what is happening anywhere. They are just SICK. The Network they are ON. Should PULL THE PLUG OUT. Also- They are ugly faces to try to SEE

  4. The hags on the View have the opportunity to live in this beautiful country and only have hateful evil comments to say about it. Hostin is a big mouth bitch who should have her ass kicked as well as the rest of these bitches. All of these hags are what’s wrong with America, and since they have nothing but hate towards our country they should be made to leave, thrown out of this country. We don’t need them here!

  5. I dont know anyone that watches that GODAWFUL show. I mean its not one of those water cooler conversations at work for anybody. No one mentions the view unless we are discussing it now. So where are their ratings??
    They dont have any . Look it up. The show can only go on as long as George Soros keeps propping it up. And anyone else who HATES America!

  6. Sunny, Nothing is wrong with our country! Its people like you that have caused people to get out,and vote., We’re tired of listening to your garbage you spew daily.


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