The loss of electricity isn’t the only thing the stupid old senile shitpants bastard lost. Blame his green deal solar panel and electric windmill power plants for that. Fossil fuel power has always been more reliable. This mindless babble is comical to watch, and this IS the real shitpants Joe. In some ways shitpants Joe is right that Trump is getting a strong economy, THE ECONOMY STARTED IMPROVING ON NOV. 6!!!!!! Too bad about the 3 years and 9 months of shit economy before that. “I’m not being a wise guy.” Shitpants Joe sure said a mouthful there. Wisdom is something shitpants Joe never had. I don’t know anything about Jill’s first husband, but he had to be an improvement over shitpants Joe.
The loss of electricity isn’t the only thing the stupid old senile shitpants bastard lost. Blame his green deal solar panel and electric windmill power plants for that. Fossil fuel power has always been more reliable. This mindless babble is comical to watch, and this IS the real shitpants Joe. In some ways shitpants Joe is right that Trump is getting a strong economy, THE ECONOMY STARTED IMPROVING ON NOV. 6!!!!!! Too bad about the 3 years and 9 months of shit economy before that. “I’m not being a wise guy.” Shitpants Joe sure said a mouthful there. Wisdom is something shitpants Joe never had. I don’t know anything about Jill’s first husband, but he had to be an improvement over shitpants Joe.