Joe Biden accidentally admits his administration ‘can’t be trusted’



Dementia Joe doesn’t know where he is sad.

He blames Trump for everything!


    • talk about being late to the gate? what would IT take for you to realize you are a slave to the state? April 15th didn’t do it? welcome to the Divided Socialist STATE of Amerika (DSSA)

  1. My God , I only hope the American people WAKE UP and and realize what they have running our once glorious country. Unbelievable! Vote DJT in 2024 & vote early.

  2. Children’s rights just to live and to not have adults cut off body parts is the issues.
    Who speaks for a infant
    We hold a mom or dad accountable for leaving a child in a hot car but not in the doctors office
    they kill children because the child is inconvenient

    • those are the children of the deep STATE, Mike. IF you loved them and your neighbor, you would be pushing for separation from the socialist, that have a hog ring in your nose, jerking you around, and you willingly pay taxes to be treated like this? how stupid we are. and the worst of cowards, with a 2nd amendment? so sad. socialism usually ends in mass murder, Amerika will be no different

  3. Biden can’t stop criticizing President Trump it’s his only way to take the spot light off of his failures. Biden wants this country to be a controlled country taking our freedoms away and obtaining total power eventually making this world a One World Order or Reset. People like Soros and Gates, Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, Rockefellers will be in charge. Most of us will be eliminated and when they don’t need or have no use for some of these elites they to will be eliminated. Stupid ass liberal leftists don’t have a clue that they are being manipulated by these rich bastards.


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