Host Aghast When Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Stop Lying



she is horrific

Saying that she is a lying POS politician is redundant.


  1. If “ nanny goat” Piglosi can’t lie, she has nothing to say! Another lying, grifting, DEMONrat, who wouldn’t tell the truth if her life depended upon it! And the disgusting notion that Biden should be on MT. Rushmore, is really sick! He is NOT a patriot, NOT a founding father, nothing that would make him eligible to be on Rushmore! He is a traitor, is destroying our country at obama’s behest, and proud of the damage he has helped to do to our country. In what universe would that be a good idea? He has NO right to be on Rushmore! That would be a giant slap in the face to our country, our founding fathers and the American people! I say not just NO, but HELL NO!

  2. Biden should have his picture on every out door toilet door with the caption under the photo that says “have a seat, and drop your Biden here” and old Nancy Pelosi should go back to making movies. , I still remember her in that one where she was shacked up with the flying monkeys

    • Ha-ha. An all-star cast, starring “If I only had a brain” Biden and Kamala, the tin man, waiting for a heart. Who can be the cowardly lion? There’s a few contenders.

      • How about Gov. Waltz? Stolen Valor about going to Iraq when he resigned from the MN National Guard when his company was going to be deployed. Good candidate for the cowardly lion.
        We already know who the Wicked Witch of the West is, old San Fran Nan.

  3. I personally think that Joe AND Nancy are at mt. Rushmore,…. they are the rubble-pile at the bottom, and that is where they belong,…. in The rubble pile and at the bottom of mt. Rushmore,…. and really they need to quit letting Nancy on television after she samples her latest batch of bath-tub gin,…. they are either both drunk or there is something in the water in Washington D.C. ,…. these people are out of their cotton picking minds


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