Must be all that cosmic dust and radiation radiating from a super black hole removing his brain cells one by one to cause this aberration of mental fitness.
Was the prerequisite to work in Hollywood was to be brain dead? Fortunately, many of the great actors did not fit in this category. Too bad so many did. They chose a different path and now are just significant snivelers. After Star Trek, what exactly did Takei do all these years besides whine a lot?
Must be all that cosmic dust and radiation radiating from a super black hole removing his brain cells one by one to cause this aberration of mental fitness.
Takei is a has been and shall never ascend to relevance again. You may ask why? He simply “SUCKS 1”.
“Captain Sulu”, you’re FIRED!
Was the prerequisite to work in Hollywood was to be brain dead? Fortunately, many of the great actors did not fit in this category. Too bad so many did. They chose a different path and now are just significant snivelers. After Star Trek, what exactly did Takei do all these years besides whine a lot?