How does Garland keep lying to congress and NOTHING is done? He apparently had NO authority to make Smith a special counsel, with No appointment by doofus Biden, no congressional or senate approval! How can he get away with that? Oh yeah, he is a DEMONrat! He thinks he can do as he pleases with NO approval on anything! He needs to be impeached and removed from office, then prosecuted for unconstitutional actions! It is time to get tough on him, Mayorkas and all the rest of the Soros/Obama, Biden cabal! Come on congress, grow a pair and DO something to stop this crap! And Schumer should be removed by a no confidence vote! He refuses to take any Republican bills, impeachment actions to the floor for a vote. That is obstruction pure and simple! Remove him and get a new majority leader. He has been there too long, he is like a mafia boss, dictating what HE wants done! If the opposing senators refuse to comply, they are bullied! That should NOT be allowed. He is a traitor, even going so far as to threaten the Supreme Court justices, if they didn’t rule in his favor! He is a louse!!!!!!
How does Garland keep lying to congress and NOTHING is done? He apparently had NO authority to make Smith a special counsel, with No appointment by doofus Biden, no congressional or senate approval! How can he get away with that? Oh yeah, he is a DEMONrat! He thinks he can do as he pleases with NO approval on anything! He needs to be impeached and removed from office, then prosecuted for unconstitutional actions! It is time to get tough on him, Mayorkas and all the rest of the Soros/Obama, Biden cabal! Come on congress, grow a pair and DO something to stop this crap! And Schumer should be removed by a no confidence vote! He refuses to take any Republican bills, impeachment actions to the floor for a vote. That is obstruction pure and simple! Remove him and get a new majority leader. He has been there too long, he is like a mafia boss, dictating what HE wants done! If the opposing senators refuse to comply, they are bullied! That should NOT be allowed. He is a traitor, even going so far as to threaten the Supreme Court justices, if they didn’t rule in his favor! He is a louse!!!!!!