“F*#% You Bob” Robert De Niro DESTROYED by Bystanders Outside Trump Trial



I use to like deniro. What a bum! He’s the WORST

Its sad to see De Niro fear mongering in desperation.


  1. This is the best the democrats have ??? A washed up has been. Shows just how delusional the democrats really are. Takes a lot of acting to stand there and try to act like you really belive the BS lies of this has been. The idoit should of saved his line for a movie. Never know might have been a hit. About a president who will destroy the world to get his way. Oh wait , Biden already did that. Dang so much for the hit movie. Just like befor trump couldn’t do alot of the things he wanted to do cause they still had to go through the house and then the senate. Yet this delusional idoit from Hollywood trys to say trump will destroy the country and the world. This is how retarded de Niro really is if he believes his own BS lies. Just like the view idoits. What did trump destroy in the 4 years he lead the country. Can anyone tell me 1 thing ??? I can name half dozen things he fixed that helped everyone in the country. Are the democrats really that stupid as to try to blame trump for the same stupid BS they tryed to do themselves ??? Tell me again who got us involved in 3 different wars. Wasn’t trump, thats for sure. Yall need to come up with better idoits then who you have already if you want to be taken seriously in next election. So far you don’t have a chance in hell of winning because of your lies and corruption yall didn’t both to hide. You can’t make this stupid BS up.


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