As long as these handlers rush reporters out so they aren’t given the chance to ask Biden questions this is how Obama is making the decision to do what he wants. This has been planned out for a while and it’s how the liberals think they will win this election. If this were President Trump the Democrats would be having a fit, screaming and carrying on. Biden sits there with this smirk on his face as if to tell all of us, F all of you I’m the president, I can pull any kind of crap and get away with it. Can’t stand this raunchy bastard.
First, I feel Obama and Biden are taking orders from George Soros, the Nazi. Soros gives Obama an order and Obama passes it on to Biden. I also truly feel Obama is and has been from the start, running for a third term. If we don’t get rid of those people God help us.
As long as these handlers rush reporters out so they aren’t given the chance to ask Biden questions this is how Obama is making the decision to do what he wants. This has been planned out for a while and it’s how the liberals think they will win this election. If this were President Trump the Democrats would be having a fit, screaming and carrying on. Biden sits there with this smirk on his face as if to tell all of us, F all of you I’m the president, I can pull any kind of crap and get away with it. Can’t stand this raunchy bastard.
First, I feel Obama and Biden are taking orders from George Soros, the Nazi. Soros gives Obama an order and Obama passes it on to Biden. I also truly feel Obama is and has been from the start, running for a third term. If we don’t get rid of those people God help us.