Yes, the only thing of value supplied by females and which is acknowledged by 99% of males falls into the category of porn. There is no other aspect of females that is given any recognition or appreciation. Women have no equality and no rights other than the 19th Amendment (1920). They must compete against other females for the attention of males.
The leftist women are jealous because they are ugly inside and out and could never aspire to be smart and sexy and be in Congress (or any other political position). They are their own creation. They are so full of hatred that it shows in their faces and their mannerism. They all look like clones. Maybe if they lightened up and tried to enjoy life some of them might actually have a pretty side. The Democrat party died many years ago. Go for it Anna Paulina Luna!
Immodesty of attire does not become conservative women any more than it becomes liberal women. No women should ever dress in such a way that they arouse lust in men.
Yes, the only thing of value supplied by females and which is acknowledged by 99% of males falls into the category of porn. There is no other aspect of females that is given any recognition or appreciation. Women have no equality and no rights other than the 19th Amendment (1920). They must compete against other females for the attention of males.
The leftist women are jealous because they are ugly inside and out and could never aspire to be smart and sexy and be in Congress (or any other political position). They are their own creation. They are so full of hatred that it shows in their faces and their mannerism. They all look like clones. Maybe if they lightened up and tried to enjoy life some of them might actually have a pretty side. The Democrat party died many years ago. Go for it Anna Paulina Luna!
Immodesty of attire does not become conservative women any more than it becomes liberal women. No women should ever dress in such a way that they arouse lust in men.